Equipment Finders Inc. provides online account access to our account customers. 'My Account Online' access offers real-time account information, which allows you to manage your account more effectively. To request access to the ‘My Account Online’ feature, please contact our Administrator via email or at
(615) 780-2060.


Current User Login >

First Time Users >

Online Access Information (PDF) >

FEATURES of 'My Account Online'

With online access to your account you can call equipment off rent, calculate job costs, view and reprint invoices, manage equipment by project and access a variety of reports and other functions.


NEW Users
To use 'My Account Online', a user profile needs to be created. Please email
our Administrator
or call her at (615) 780-2060.
Please include the following in the requesting email:
Your First and Last Name
Job Title
Company Name and EFI account number
Billing Address
Email address
Phone Number
If there are multiple users needed for one company, please include the above information for each individual user. You will receive a unique 'Authorization' code and 'Verification' code for each user.


All information is used to confirm your idenity. Once confirmed, you will receive an email with the unique 'Authorization' code and 'Verification' code needed to create your user profile. Response time is 24 to 48 hours. Please contact our Administrator via email or at (615) 780-2060, if you have any questions.


CREATING a User Profile
Once you have an 'Authorization Code' and 'Verification Code',
you need to create a 'User Profile' by completing the following steps:
  1. Click on the 'First Time Users' link.
  2. At the New User Setup page, turn the CAPS LOCK on.
  3. Enter the 'Authorization' Code and 'Verification' Code sent to you.
    NOTE: it must read exactly as sent to you.
  4. Click on the 'NEXT' button.
  5. Turn CAPS LOCK off.
  6. At the New User Setup (profile) page, complete the User Profile form.
    A. The email address entered will become your 'User ID'.
    B. Create a unique password (needs to be six letters/numbers).
    NOTE: Passwords are case sensitive.
  7. Make sure to complete all required fields, marked by an *. Once finished, click on 'Submit'.
  8. The message ' Your profile has been successfully created.' will display. Click on 'Log In'.
  9. At the 'Log in' screen, enter your User ID and your Password. Click on 'Log In'.
  10. The main menu will display.



To setup your online account please contact us:


PHONE (615) 780-2060

FAX (615) 242-0684


Administrator >


my account